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Frenos de boca de fuego

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Recoil Eliminators

Whether you're an practical rifle competitor, a varmint hunter, a member of a special military or police tactical team or just a plinker, sight recovery is the name of the game. Lower the recoil and you reduce muzzle flip, which leads to faster sight recovery and faster follow-up shots. Every compensator operates on this principle, but none can match the classic JP Recoil Eliminator. This design has been with us almost as long as JP has been in business. "Radical performance" was the goal then--it was the 90s, remember--and that still holds today with the Recoil Eliminator still providing the fastest possible sight recovery and the highest level of recoil reduction of any device on the market, including our own line of compensators.

Functional above all else, the brake's broad baffle surfaces redirect the vast majority of muzzle gases out to the sides with each shot. This actually drives the rifle forward during fire, counteracting the rearward recoil impulse for both minimized overall movement and muzzle flip coupled with reduced fatigue from constant fire, particularly with large-bore rifles. The JPRE also shapes these gases so as to spare the shooter from any concussion as well as the annoyance of thrown dust when shooting off a bipod.

A better shooting experience in every way; that's what the Recoil Eliminator delivers. Over two decades of reviews and match wins tell the tale.

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Compensator ideal for tactical use, whose maximum yield is with short barrel carbines.

The side windows, specially tapered to dampen the recoil and at the same time break the flame. The upper holes, on the other hand, give the weapon stability and neutrality, minimizing the nose-up and reducing the twist. Lastly, the four frontal tips allow this compensator to be used as a means of breaking.

It is made of high quality steel and subjected to high-hardness heat treatments with the double end to make the non-stick surface to the gunpowder residues on one side and robust on the other.

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Ideal for sports activities, it is advisable to use it on long barrel carbines, both for close-range and long-distance shooting.

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This compensator and recoil reducer, with unusual and futuristic design, is designed to provide finest sports performance with steel case ammunition.

It is made of high quality steel and subjected to heat treatments in order to make the non-stick surface to gunpowder residues.

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Compensator ideal for tactical use, whose maximum yield is with short barrel carbines.

The square side windows have been specially designed to dampen the recoil, the holes give stability and neutrality to the weapon, minimizing the nose-up. Lastly, the four front propellers, staggered by each other, allow the contrast of the grooves of the barrel, decreasing the twist.


Compensator specially designed for sports activities, it is ideal for long barrel carbines.

Its side windows give stability and neutrality to the weapon, minimizing the nose-up and getting back on target cracking followup shots as fast as possible.

The special radial holes located at the base of each window have been specially designed to dampen the recoil.

Functional for both close and long range shooting.

The elongated shape combined with the windows gives a distinguishable and refined image.

It is made of high quality steel and subjected to heat treatments in order to make the non-stick surface to gunpowder residues.

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The all-new NCT3 compensator, designed to eliminate recoil and muzzle climb while being tailored to your exact requirements.  Available for .223 or 9mm bore diameters.