Blagovna znamka

Kel-Tec Sub2000 Rifle 9x19

Last piece!

Nakup pod posebnimi pogoji

Ta izdelek se lahko prodaja samo pod posebnimi pogoji. Če želite prebrati več, sledite povezavi nakup strelnega orožja.

OPOMBA: nakup strelnega orožja je treba opraviti ločeno od drugih izdelkov.
Kratek opis:
The semi-automatic SUB2000 is designed to be the most convenient 9mm caliber rifle available. It’s adjustable and foldable to 16.25 x 7 inches for easy storage and can accept most popular handgun magazines. Plus it can easily be disassembled for cleaning or inspection without tools. Ideal for backpacking trips and situations where space and convenience are paramount.
Na zalogi

The semi-automatic SUB2000 is designed to be the most convenient 9mm caliber rifle available. It’s adjustable and foldable to 16.25 x 7 inches for easy storage and can accept most popular handgun magazines. Plus it can easily be disassembled for cleaning or inspection without tools. Ideal for backpacking trips and situations where space and convenience are paramount.



  • 9x19mm
  • 1.9kg
  • 775mm
  • 742mm
  • 413mm
  • 413mm
  • 42.2N