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2) Plačilo preko UPN naloga
Plačilo je možno preko nakazila po predračunu (upn nalog):
Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d.d.,
Slovenska cesta 52,
1000 Ljubljana
IBAN SI56 1010 0005 8347 823
Referenca: številka naročila
Vaše naročilo bo odpremljeno v enem delovnem dnevu po prejetem plačilu. Pakete odpošiljamo z hitro pošto DPD ali DHL, GLS or Pošta Slovenije. Kupec lahko sam izbira način dobave. Način dostave izbere on zaključku naročila.
Cenik dostave Pošte Slovenije
Standardno pismo
od 50 g do 100 g | 1,85 eur |
od 100 g do 250 g | 2,18 eur |
od 250 g do 500 g | 3,96 eur |
od 500 g do 1.000 g | 6,54 eur |
od 1.000 g do 2.000 g | 10,61eur |
Standardni paket
Do 2 kg | 13,67 eur |
od 2 kg do 5 kg | 20,48 eur |
od 5 kg do 10 kg | 25,00eur |
od 10 kg do 15 kg | 36,11 eur |
od 15 kg do 20 kg | 41,67 eur |
od 20 kg do 25 kg | 49,99 eur |
Kupec ima pravico, da v 14 dneh od prevzema blaga pisno sporoči, da odstopa od naročila, ne da bi mu bilo potrebno navesti razlog za svojo odločitev. Šteje se, da je sporočilo pravočasno, če je oddano v roku. Kupec mora najkasneje v 14 dneh po sporočilu o odstopu od naročila podjetniku vrniti blago. Celotne stroške pošiljanja in/ali vračila blaga v primeru vračila krije kupec. Po prejemu blaga in ugotovitvi, da je to nepoškodovano in v nespremenjeni količini. Vračilo opravljenih vplačil bo izvedeno takoj, ko je to mogoče, najkasneje pa v roku 14 dni od prejema sporočila o odstopu od pogodbe. Podjetje vrne prejeta plačila potrošniku z enakim plačilnim sredstvom, kot ga je uporabil potrošnik (kar je najbolj običajno s plačilom na transakcijski račun), razen če je potrošnik izrecno zahteval uporabo drugačnega plačilnega sredstva in če potrošnik zaradi tega ne nosi nobenih stroškov. Kupec ob vračilu blaga pošlje tudi račun za blago in osebne podatke ter transakcijski račun kamor želi, da se vrne plačilo.
Obrazec za odstop od naročila si prenesite tukaj.
A true innovation in holster design, the DAA MAX Holster is the result of decades of competition experience and over a year of development. We set out with the goal of creating the best possible Closed Body Competition holster, one that would meet the legal requirements of all USPSA divisions without compromising adjustability or performance.
The Hanger of the DAA MAX Holster is made of aluminum and steel, to create a strong and rigid hanger that will keep your holster in place – while allowing for a huge range of adjustability. The central ball joint assembly can slide up or down a pair of stainless-Steel rods, giving shooters a wide range of height adjustment. The ball-joint enables you to tilt and rotate the holster to your chosen position, and locks it firmly in place using the same tried and tested clamp design borrowed from the Alpha-X Race Holster. The large M6 lock-up bolt can be accessed while the holster is worn, allowing you to adjust the holster/pistol position while it’s on your body.
The lower, rounded thigh-pad ensure comfort and support during a long day of use.
The Retention adjustment on the DAA MAX holster is truly innovative. Most closed-body holsters press down onto the gun to adjust retention. This solution is simple but not ideal as it quickly leads to wear marks on the pistol and often does not allow for enough “middle of range” retention adjustability. Those holsters are often either too loose or too tight… The DAA MAX Holster utilizes a completely different solution: The injection molded holster body does not clamp down onto the pistol, rather fitting around it with minimum clearance. Retention is achieved using spring loaded, fully adjustable roller clippers which engages onto the front end of the trigger guard. These secure the gun and providing the user a wide range of tension adjustment.
The DAA MAX Holster is available for an assortment of popular guns and in several colors. Additional models are being added.
The CZ model is designed for the Shadow2, but also work perfectly for the SP01 and most other CZ model pistols. It is also a perfect fit for the Tanfoglio Stock-II. The Tanfoglio Stock-III model is in fact a modified CZ body, which has been adapted to fit the Stock-III slightly taller slide/tactical rail. The Glock model is modeled for the G34 Gen 5, but works great with all Glocks we tried. The SIG P320 model fits all the P320’s: The P320 MAX, P320 X5/Legion, P320RXP P320 XFULL and so on.