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ODIN AR9 Bolt Carrier Group Stainles Steel


Purchase under special conditions

This product can be sold only under special conditions. To read more, follow the link purchase of firearms.

NOTE: purchase of firearms has to be made separately from other products.

Short description:
Introducing our new ODIN Works Enhanced Series, 9mm bolt carrier group. Innovative and unlike anything in the industry, this feature packed bolt carrier group is the new standard. Features like a proprietary firing pin retainer for easy service and a specifically designed 9mm extractor are what really make our carrier stand out from the rest.
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Introducing our new ODIN Works Enhanced Series, 9mm bolt carrier group. Innovative and unlike anything in the industry, this feature packed bolt carrier group is the new standard. Features like a proprietary firing pin retainer for easy service and a specifically designed 9mm extractor are what really make our carrier stand out from the rest.

Machined from 416 heat treated stainless steel, no part on the carrier is MIM (metal injection molding). The black carrier has a Micro Slick coating, whereas the grey is not MS coated to show its stainless steel finish. Instead of the traditional alignment key, we have two heat treated screws that are also roll pinned onto the carrier. To ensure easy service of your carrier, we used a proprietary firing pin retainer that can be removed with ease, instead of a cotter pin. Being able to easily service your carrier will add to it's life.

Most 9mm bolt carrier groups use a standard M16 extractor, but we've designed an extractor specifically for 9mm casings to ensure it's always reliable. The Enhanced 9mm Bolt Carrier is still compatible with Colt and Glock lowers and magazines. Don't settle for average, stand above the rest with the ODIN Works Enhanced Series Bolt Carrier.



  • 416 Heat Treated Stainless Steel Carrier
  • 174 Heat Treated Stainless Steel Firing Pin
  • Specifically Designed 9mm Extractor
  • 174 Heat Treated Alignment Screws
  • Proprietary Firing Pin Retainer
  • No MIM Parts
  • Compatible with Glock and Colt lowers & magazines

You may also buy real firearms here on our website, but you need to meet few requirements.

First of all, you have to have a firearms license. We need your buying permit of desired firearm. This means you have to go to your Administration Office (like you always go when you want to buy a new firearm) and apply for a buying permit. Since you will not buy a firearm in your country but in other country, you have to ask for a EU Buying Permit. We are going to need a scan of this EU Buying Permit (with your ID or firearms license) and later also the original (you have to send it by regular post). Aditionaly we need you to fill and sign the Authorization Letter which you can find here. Please send a scan of filled Authorization letter, so we check it. Once we confirm your EU Buying Permit and Authorization Letter we are going to ask you to send the originals by post to our address.

Once we get them, we will apply for Slovenian Buying Permit in your name. Fee for permit is 80,00 EUR and 40.00 EUR for ammo buying permit.

When we get Slovenian Buying Permit, we will send you the firearm.

 To sum things up, we need:

  1. scan of your Firearms License or ID
  2. scan of your EU Buying Permit and later the original
  3. scan of Authorization Letter and later the original

 If law in your country does not require you to apply for Buying Permit, we need you to fill just the Authorization Letter and send it to us with your ID.

Please read the instructions below in your language, about the purchase process.

HR, SR: Stranci

Proces nabave oružja (streliva, baruta i kapisla) u Republici Sloveniji izvodi se na slijedeči način:

  • Prvo morate da stupite u kontakt sa prodavačem i provjerite da li je oružje na zalihi,
  • Na rezervaciju vam se daje određeno oružje, sa kojega vam treba serijski broj i model oružja,
  • Stupate u kontakt sa vašim MUP RH, gdje na osnovu nabavne dozvole, tražite uvoznu dozvolu, "PRETHODNA SUGLASNOST ZA UNOS ORUŽJA ILI STRELIVA U RH" (Obrazac 2a):  na tom obrazcu moraju biti navedeni podaci o oružju
  • Dogovorite se sa prodavačem  - kada bi došli u Sloveniju, da vam se najavi termin na našoj "UPRAVNI ENOTI", tamo se izdaju potrebni papiri za kupnju oružja na osnovi hrvatske nabavne dozvole i prethodne suglasnosti. Taj postupak traje oko 2 sata i plača se taksa u eurima, navodi se granični prijelaz.
  • Poslije pridobljene dozvole za nabavu oružja u Sloveniji, dolazite u trgovinu, gdje vršite kupovinu vašega oružja
  • Scan your gun license and passport / personal ID card
  • Contact us with the products and quantities you want to get
  • We will contact you and provide all the informations you will need
  • With this you can acquire a license for the import of weapons, ammunition, gunpowder or primers from a competent department
  • Scannen Sie Ihre Waffenschein und Reisepass / Personalausweis
  • Kontaktieren Sie uns wegen Produkten und Mengen Sie erhalten möchten
  • Wir kontaktieren Sie zurück mit allen Informationen die Sie benötigen
  • Mit dieser infrmationen erwerben Sie eine Lizenz für die Einfuhr von Waffen, Munition, Schießpulver oder Zündhütchen von Ihrer zuständigen Stelle

Postupak nabave streliva, baruta i kapisli je isti: potrebni su vam isti dokumenti,  koje posjedujete za kupnju u Hrvatskoj i na osnovu tih idete na Upravnu jedinicu kod nas, gdje vam naprave nabavne dozvole za Sloveniju. Te dozvole traju 6 mjeseci i ograničene su na neku količinu,  koju nije potrebno iskoristiti sve odjednom, tako da možete kupovati postepeno:  u roku od 6 mjeseci. Oružje i strijelivo se može slati poštom, kapisle i barut je zabranjeno.

EN: Foreigners

If you interested in the purchase of weapons, ammunition, gunpowder or primers please follow the next instructions:

  • Scan your gun license and passport / personal ID card
  • Contact us with the products and quantities you want to get
  • We will contact you and provide all the informations you will need
  • With this you can acquire a license for the import of weapons, ammunition, gunpowder or primers from a competent department

Based on your documents we will acquire an export license for the products you wish to get.

The permit is issued to us with a duration of 6 months, in this time you have all the time to get what you want.

DE: Ausländer

Wenn Sie sich für den Kauf von Waffen, Munition, Schiesspulver oder Zündhütchen interesieren bitte folgen Sie die nachste instruktionen

  • Scannen Sie Ihre Waffenschein und Reisepass / Personalausweis
  • Kontaktieren Sie uns wegen Produkten und Mengen Sie erhalten möchten
  • Wir kontaktieren Sie zurück mit allen Informationen die Sie benötigen
  • Mit dieser infrmationen erwerben Sie eine Lizenz für die Einfuhr von Waffen, Munition, Schießpulver oder Zündhütchen von Ihrer zuständigen Stelle

Auf der Basis Ihrer Unterlagen werden wir eine Exportlizenz für die Produkte, die Sie erhalten möchten, erwerben.

Die Genehmigung für Export hat einer Laufzeit von 6 Monaten, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, sukzessive kaufen unsere Produkte im Geschäft durchzuführen, bis Sie angegebene Menge in Lizenz voll nutzen.