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Bore cleaning solvent

7.71 ($8.12)  
How many times while carrying a weapon, especially in an internal holster, have you noticed threads, clothing material or other “lints” on it? – And that’s what COMPRESSED AIR from RifleCX is for.
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20.00 ($21.05)  
BARREL FOAM from RifleCX, although intensively working and removing powder residues (carbon deposits) and baked deposits of copper, nickel and lead, is safe for barrel grooves – suitable for any type of firearm. Thanks to the 60 cm long tube, you can clean the barrel of any length. You can also clean gas pipes with it. Gives you a good night’s sleep without worrying about rust on your equipment.
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9.02 ($9.49)  
ODORLESS, NOT-OILY, RUST INHIBITOR the S40 BLU is a detergent capable of degreasing and at the same time capable of an antioxidant action. In a few moments it cleans the weapon and its components without being aggressive both with the metallic and non-metallic surfaces, and with the different finishes, be they of modern conception or the classic and refined burnishing of previous years.

14.75 ($15.53)  

2 products: 100ml Clean and 100ml Protect.

Bore Clean:

Able to remove heavy deposits of lead, copper and zinc and just as efficient with brass and bobbing of FMJ olives.


Bore Protect: Guarantees maximum protection of the barrel both from humidity and from salty air.

Flammable: Cannot ship by air or outside the EU.  Due to air shipping regulations some solvents and CLP liquids cannot be shipped internationally.

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