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Plačilo s kreditnimi karticami poteka preko plačilnega modula Bankart.
2) Plačilo preko UPN naloga
Plačilo je možno preko nakazila po predračunu (upn nalog):
Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d.d.,
Slovenska cesta 52,
1000 Ljubljana
IBAN SI56 1010 0005 8347 823
Referenca: številka naročila
Vaše naročilo bo odpremljeno v enem delovnem dnevu po prejetem plačilu. Pakete odpošiljamo z hitro pošto DPD ali DHL, GLS or Pošta Slovenije. Kupec lahko sam izbira način dobave. Način dostave izbere on zaključku naročila.
Cenik dostave Pošte Slovenije
Standardno pismo
od 50 g do 100 g | 1,85 eur |
od 100 g do 250 g | 2,18 eur |
od 250 g do 500 g | 3,96 eur |
od 500 g do 1.000 g | 6,54 eur |
od 1.000 g do 2.000 g | 10,61eur |
Standardni paket
Do 2 kg | 13,67 eur |
od 2 kg do 5 kg | 20,48 eur |
od 5 kg do 10 kg | 25,00eur |
od 10 kg do 15 kg | 36,11 eur |
od 15 kg do 20 kg | 41,67 eur |
od 20 kg do 25 kg | 49,99 eur |
Kupec ima pravico, da v 14 dneh od prevzema blaga pisno sporoči, da odstopa od naročila, ne da bi mu bilo potrebno navesti razlog za svojo odločitev. Šteje se, da je sporočilo pravočasno, če je oddano v roku. Kupec mora najkasneje v 14 dneh po sporočilu o odstopu od naročila podjetniku vrniti blago. Celotne stroške pošiljanja in/ali vračila blaga v primeru vračila krije kupec. Po prejemu blaga in ugotovitvi, da je to nepoškodovano in v nespremenjeni količini. Vračilo opravljenih vplačil bo izvedeno takoj, ko je to mogoče, najkasneje pa v roku 14 dni od prejema sporočila o odstopu od pogodbe. Podjetje vrne prejeta plačila potrošniku z enakim plačilnim sredstvom, kot ga je uporabil potrošnik (kar je najbolj običajno s plačilom na transakcijski račun), razen če je potrošnik izrecno zahteval uporabo drugačnega plačilnega sredstva in če potrošnik zaradi tega ne nosi nobenih stroškov. Kupec ob vračilu blaga pošlje tudi račun za blago in osebne podatke ter transakcijski račun kamor želi, da se vrne plačilo.
Obrazec za odstop od naročila si prenesite tukaj.
Paralow is one of the red dot sight series made by Holosun. On the outside, these small tube sights are very familiar to the Micro red dot sights made by the famous Swedish red dot sight manufacturing company. The illumination is powered by a CR2032 battery. The click value for the elevation and windage adjustments is 0.5 MOA. These durable red dot sights feature a single-piece housing made out of aluminum. Altogether, there are 12 illumination intensity levels to choose from, 2 of which are NVD compatible. The battery life is 50.000 hours.
The 403 is one of the model families in the Paralow series. The first number '4' in its name suggests that it features a 2 MOA dot. The second number '0' implies that the product comes with standard accessories (without honeycomb filter, quick-release mount and flip-up lens covers).
HS403C is a red dot sight of the Paralow series.
The letter 'C' means that the device features a solar panel on top – the red dot sight can work without the battery inserted when there is sufficient lighting.
The product features the ShakeAwake function. When left powered on, the device will go from 'active mode' to 'sleep mode' after a while to prevent unnecessary battery drain. Once moved, it will power back on immediately.
Main features:
2 MOA dot
comes with a low mount and a high mount for lower third co-witness on standard AR platforms
same mounting platform as Aimpoint Micro devices
12 illumination intensity levels, 2 of them are NVD compatible
features a solar panel on top
Parallax free
50.000 hours of battery life
the battery compartment on the right side of the device in the form of a battery tray
These small tube sights come with a high mount for an AR platform (lower 1/3 co-witness) and a low mount for other mounting purposes (such as mounting on a rifle). All models in the Paralow series except the ones with the letter 'A' in their name have the same mounting platform as the Aimpoint Micro devices.
The warranty is 5 years on the material and 3 years on the electronics.
For more information regarding the Holosun symbols, check our blog post.