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1) Credit Card
The credit card payment is supported through the Bankart gateway.
2) Bank wire
You can pay for your order via bank transfer:
Beneficiary bank: Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d.d.,
Slovenska cesta 52,
1000 Ljubljana
IBAN SI56 1010 0005 8347 823
Reference: your order number
You order will be dispatched in one working day upon receiving your payment. We are shipping your orders with DHL, GLS or Pošta Slovenije. You can choose your shipping method when completing your order. Please read the price list below.
Pošta Slovenije
Standard letter
NOTE: this shipping option has no tracking number and the shipment is not insured
od 50 g do 100 g | 1,85 eur |
od 100 g do 250 g | 2,18 eur |
od 250 g do 500 g | 3,96 eur |
od 500 g do 1.000 g | 6,54 eur |
od 1.000 g do 2.000 g | 10,61eur |
Standard package
NOTE: this shipping option has no tracking number and the shipment is not insured
Do 2 kg | 13,67 eur |
od 2 kg do 5 kg | 20,48 eur |
od 5 kg do 10 kg | 25,00eur |
od 10 kg do 15 kg | 36,11 eur |
od 15 kg do 20 kg | 41,67 eur |
od 20 kg do 25 kg | 49,99 eur |
The page and/or its suppliers shall make no representations about the suitability, reliability, availability, timeliness and accuracy of the information, products, services and related contents contained on the page. All such information, products, services and related content on this page are provided ‘as is’ and without a warranty of any kind. The page and/or its suppliers hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions with regard to this information, products, services and related content.
Download the product return form here.
Federal .22lr Auto Match:
You may also buy real firearms here on our website, but you need to meet few requirements.
First of all, you have to have a firearms license. We need your buying permit of desired firearm. This means you have to go to your Administration Office (like you always go when you want to buy a new firearm) and apply for a buying permit. Since you will not buy a firearm in your country but in other country, you have to ask for a EU Buying Permit. We are going to need a scan of this EU Buying Permit (with your ID or firearms license) and later also the original (you have to send it by regular post). Aditionaly we need you to fill and sign the Authorization Letter which you can find here. Please send a scan of filled Authorization letter, so we check it. Once we confirm your EU Buying Permit and Authorization Letter we are going to ask you to send the originals by post to our address.
Once we get them, we will apply for Slovenian Buying Permit in your name. Fee for permit is 80,00 EUR and 40.00 EUR for ammo buying permit.
When we get Slovenian Buying Permit, we will send you the firearm.
To sum things up, we need:
If law in your country does not require you to apply for Buying Permit, we need you to fill just the Authorization Letter and send it to us with your ID.
Please read the instructions below in your language, about the purchase process.
Proces nabave oružja (streliva, baruta i kapisla) u Republici Sloveniji izvodi se na slijedeči način:
Postupak nabave streliva, baruta i kapisli je isti: potrebni su vam isti dokumenti, koje posjedujete za kupnju u Hrvatskoj i na osnovu tih idete na Upravnu jedinicu kod nas, gdje vam naprave nabavne dozvole za Sloveniju. Te dozvole traju 6 mjeseci i ograničene su na neku količinu, koju nije potrebno iskoristiti sve odjednom, tako da možete kupovati postepeno: u roku od 6 mjeseci. Oružje i strijelivo se može slati poštom, kapisle i barut je zabranjeno.
If you interested in the purchase of weapons, ammunition, gunpowder or primers please follow the next instructions:
Based on your documents we will acquire an export license for the products you wish to get.
The permit is issued to us with a duration of 6 months, in this time you have all the time to get what you want.
Wenn Sie sich für den Kauf von Waffen, Munition, Schiesspulver oder Zündhütchen interesieren bitte folgen Sie die nachste instruktionen
Auf der Basis Ihrer Unterlagen werden wir eine Exportlizenz für die Produkte, die Sie erhalten möchten, erwerben.
Die Genehmigung für Export hat einer Laufzeit von 6 Monaten, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, sukzessive kaufen unsere Produkte im Geschäft durchzuführen, bis Sie angegebene Menge in Lizenz voll nutzen.