BUL Armory Ltd

Dillon Large Tumbler, CV2001, 220V (22047)

311.47 ($327.86)
Descrizione breve:

Dillon's CV-2001 Vibratory Case Cleaner is the largest in the industry. Its 12-1/2 quart bowl capacity will allow you to polish up to 1,300 .38/.357 or 550 .30-06 cases per hour.
Not only is our capacity greater, but our motor is larger in horse power, internally cooled, thermally protected, and turns on precision ball bearings. This is no "hobby" machine!
The bowl and base are constructed of 7/32" thick injection molded high-strength polypropylene which is impact and abrasion resistant.

Note: Tumblers are not designed for tumbling loaded ammunition.


Dillon's CV-2001 Vibratory Case Cleaner is the largest in the industry. Its 12-1/2 quart bowl capacity will allow you to polish up to 1,300 .38/.357 or 550 .30-06 cases per hour.
Not only is our capacity greater, but our motor is larger in horse power, internally cooled, thermally protected, and turns on precision ball bearings. This is no "hobby" machine!
The bowl and base are constructed of 7/32" thick injection molded high-strength polypropylene which is impact and abrasion resistant.

Note: Tumblers are not designed for tumbling loaded ammunition.