Blagovna znamka

VihtaVuori Smodnik

60.66 ($63.85)

Nakup pod posebnimi pogoji

Ta izdelek se lahko prodaja samo pod posebnimi pogoji. Če želite prebrati več, sledite povezavi nakup strelnega orožja.

OPOMBA: nakup strelnega orožja je treba opraviti ločeno od drugih izdelkov.
Kratek opis:

For almost a hundred years, Vihtavuori powders have formed the heart of many of the world’s most renowned cartridges. Reloaders know they can trust in the performance and uniform high quality of Vihtavuori smokeless powders  – cartridge after cartridge – to create a perfect product for successful shooting. When choosing our reloading powder you know your ammo is up to the task, even in the toughest conditions. Go ahead, take Vihtavuori and make the perfect shot.

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The Vihtavuori N100 powders are primarily rifle powders with different burning rates to optimize your rifle loads. N100 smokeless powders are well-known in various match shooting disciplines like silhouette shooting and benchrest, with the N133 famously being a top choice for the best bench rest shooters in the world. Currently, Vihtavuori offers ten N100 reloading powders as well as the 24N41 / 20N29 for the .50 BMG case.

  • N135: Developed originally for 7.62×51 NATO M80 Ball, Vihtavuori’s N135 is today a universal gun powder which is used by reloaders for a large range of calibers from .222 Remington to .458 Winchester Magnum. More:


  • N140: The N140 powder was originally developed for the 7,62x53R cartridge for the Finnish Army in the early years of Vihtavuori’s history. Up to this day, it has remained as one of our best-selling powder types of all times. More:



  • N160: Vihtavuori’s N160 rifle powder is especially suitable for large and magnum calibers (especially belted Magnums) starting from 30-06 with heavier bullets, .243 Winchester, .260 Remington, 6.5 Creedmoor, 6.5×55 SE, 7 mm Weatherby Magnum, .300 Winchester Magnum, .338 Winchester Magnum and all the Winchester Short Magnums. It also fits large capacity/small bore cartridges like the 6.5-284 Norma. More:




The N300 series powders are ideal for handgun and shotgun loads.

  • N310: Well-known for its accuracy and extremely clean burning, the N310 is used by pistol shooters reloading calibers from .32 S&W Long Wadcutter up to .45 ACP and many others requiring accurate handgun loads. The N310 is our fastest burning handgun powder and the top choice for the competitive Bullseye pistol shooter. More:


  • N320: The N320, formerly known as 3N22, is a fast burning, porous handgun powder. N320 is one of our most popular handgun powders and can be used for a wide range of pistol calibers from .32 to .45. It is most commonly used by sport and hobby shooters such as Cowboy Action shooters, but as a very reliable gun powder it is also suitable for authority applications. The powder type is tubular, with grain dimensions 1,1 mm x 0,8 mm (length x diameter), and as all our reloading powders it includes the added decoppering agent. More:


  • N340: Formerly known as 3N18, the N340 is a true multipurpose powder, developed originally for 9 mm and shotshell loads. This pistol powder is one of the most popular powders in the Vihtavuori N300 series, and it can be used for a wide variety of calibers and bullet weights, making it the perfect partner for all kinds of reloading purposes. The N340 is used especially for medium and large caliber pistols and shotshells with medium and heavy loads. More:


  • N350: …you’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Do I feel lucky?” We think that even Dirty Harry himself possibly used Vihtavuori N350 in his famous .44 Rem Mag, when looking at his infallible shooting accuracy! Vihtavuori N350 is the slowest in the N300 series of handgun powders, deal for very heavy loadings and top velocities and energies for a broad range of pistol and revolver cartridges. The grain size (1,0 mm length and 0,8 mm diameter) is the same as N320, N330 and N340; it is the porosity of the powder that makes all the difference in burning characteristics. More: