Ben Stoeger Pro Shop

Dillon RL550C withouth conversation kit

638.53 ($672.14)
Descrizione breve:

The Dillon RL550C is the most versatile reloading machine in the Dillon Precision Products line.  It will accommodate the widest variety of cartridges from 32 ACP up to 338 Lapua, 416 Rigby, and 460 Weatherby.

The RL550 has a manually indexed shellplate making it easier to master the various steps of reloading. Manual indexing also gives the operator greater control over each individual step in the loading process. Caliber changes are simple and require fewer parts than other machines which makes it less expensive to convert to another cartridge.

Reloading with Dillon’s RL 550 is Easy as 1-2-3!

Most shooters realize that reloading is the most economical way to enjoy their sport, but many shooters are unaware of just how simple it is to reload. In fact, Dillon’s RL 550C is the easiest progressive loader in the world to learn to reload with. How can we make that statement? Simple. Since all of the reloading steps are performed with a stroke of the handle, there is less to remember (or forget) than with an old-fashioned single-station press.

No dies are included with the RL550!


This version of the 550 includes:

  • Powder measure with standard large and small powder bars (small installed), Small bar throws from 2.1 to 15 grains of powder Large bar throws up to 55 to 60 grains of powder.
  • One prime system with large and small priming parts.
  • One large and one small pick up tube
  • Low Primer Alarm 
  • One toolhead
  • One powder die
  • One loaded cartridge catch bin
  • One written instruction manual

You will also need (at a minimum):

  • Die set (dies are not included with the base unit)
  • Powder scale
  • Reloading Handbook
  • Dial caliper
  • Primer flip tray
  • Case lube (for bottleneck cartridges)
  • One set of standard Allen wrenches

I suggest that you also get:

  • Dillon dies, which are designed for high speed use.
  • Extra primer pick-up tubes, if loading more than 100 - 200 rounds per sitting.
  • If you are loading more than 500 rounds per reloading session, then the RF-100 Electric Primer Filler is an accessory well worth considering.
  • A machine cover to keep the unit dust free.

To change calibers, you will need:

  • A Die set for the new caliber.
  • A Caliber Conversion Kit.
  • If you have the optional electric casefeeder you may need a different casefeed plate. Please refer to the caliber conversion chart in the Instruction Manual.
  • If you are using the Mr. Bulletfeeder you made need a caliber conversion.